Have you ever watched a person fly fishing and considered how you would like to learn to do that? The Sal font Chapter of Trout Unlimited in cooperation with the City of Spencer will host a free fly fishing clinic at Heritage Park on July 17 at 6:00 pm. The clinic will teach anglers the basics of fly fishing from the why to the how. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend.
“To many of us, fishing is about more than just catching fish,” said Philip Smith, President of the Sal font Chapter, “it is about the total experience. Many of us in TU have discovered that the time-honored sport of fly fishing is something to fall in love with. From tying flies in the winter to catching bass in a local pond using your own created fly there are so many things in fly fishing that enhance that fishing experience more than with conventional gear. We are not a fly fishing club, but since many of us have a passion for this sport, we want to give every opportunity to those in our home community to learn how to do it if they wish.”
The chapter is a local not-for-profit organization that seeks to conserve, protect, and restore central West Virginia’s trout waters, cultivate new anglers and engage local communities within their mission. “The name Sal font is derived from the scientific name for our state fish, the brook trout, which is the only native trout to West Virginia and an indicator species of clean water. Our chapter honors this fish as the mascot for clean water and our sporting heritage,” says Smith. The City of Spencer embraces this new organization. “Even though there are not any trout swimming through Spring Creek in town, the goals of this new Trout Unlimited Chapter are certainly about enhancing the greater sporting experience for our citizens. We support their effort and hope the community does too,” said Mayor Terry Williams.
The two-hour session will go over basic equipment and casting. There may be a longer, more detailed course given by the TU chapter in the winter if there is enough interest expressed in the community. For more information about the local Trout Unlimited chapter, visit their facebook page at facebook.com/SalFontTU.
“To many of us, fishing is about more than just catching fish,” said Philip Smith, President of the Sal font Chapter, “it is about the total experience. Many of us in TU have discovered that the time-honored sport of fly fishing is something to fall in love with. From tying flies in the winter to catching bass in a local pond using your own created fly there are so many things in fly fishing that enhance that fishing experience more than with conventional gear. We are not a fly fishing club, but since many of us have a passion for this sport, we want to give every opportunity to those in our home community to learn how to do it if they wish.”
The chapter is a local not-for-profit organization that seeks to conserve, protect, and restore central West Virginia’s trout waters, cultivate new anglers and engage local communities within their mission. “The name Sal font is derived from the scientific name for our state fish, the brook trout, which is the only native trout to West Virginia and an indicator species of clean water. Our chapter honors this fish as the mascot for clean water and our sporting heritage,” says Smith. The City of Spencer embraces this new organization. “Even though there are not any trout swimming through Spring Creek in town, the goals of this new Trout Unlimited Chapter are certainly about enhancing the greater sporting experience for our citizens. We support their effort and hope the community does too,” said Mayor Terry Williams.
The two-hour session will go over basic equipment and casting. There may be a longer, more detailed course given by the TU chapter in the winter if there is enough interest expressed in the community. For more information about the local Trout Unlimited chapter, visit their facebook page at facebook.com/SalFontTU.

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